The MOMA instrument during development tests

Date: 27 October 2010
Depicts: From left to right: The MOMA Gas Chromatograph (GC) breadboard, GC electronics, oven and tapping station (not to scale) during development tests for the ExoMars MOMA instrument
Location: Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
Copyright: Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
These photographs were taken during development tests for the ExoMars MOMA instrument at the end of 2009. The test campaign was carried out at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research to monitor how individual elements of MOMA – represented by instrument breadboards – perform when coupled together. The first test campaign coupled a gas chromatograph breadboard with ovens and the tapping station. The top left photograph shows a breadboard of the Gas Chromatograph (GC) instrument. The dimensions can be estimated by comparing with the 90-mm diameter gas tank on the right of the board.
The top right image shows the folded GC electronics board which is part of the GC breadboard. Each board is about 110 mm by 110 mm. They are 15 mm apart.
The three images at the bottom left show different views of a prototype of the pyrolysis ovens. The overall height is 22 mm.
The three images at the bottom right show a prototype of the tapping station. The overall height is about 80 mm.